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Zenit Group | 16 Nov 2023

Zenit Group has achieved "FM Approvals" certification.

news zenit achieves FM certification

Uniqa and Grey series submersible electric pumps and ZM series submersible mixers have achieved FM certification, meeting the rigorous safety and quality standards set by FM Global for electrical and mechanical equipment.

FM certification is testament to the path the Group has taken to ensure the correct and functional use of its products in all environmental and safety conditions, responding to the specific needs of different target markets.

In industrial applications, it is critical to ensure the safety and reliability of equipment in order to prevent accidents, damage, and losses in areas such as manufacturing, chemical, and petrochemical industries. FM standards are aimed at fire and explosion prevention. Certified equipment must comply with safety and compliance requirements specific to North America and Canada.

More specifically, FM, (Factory Mutual) is a safety and compliance certification issued by FM Approval, the section of FM Global that specifically evaluates and certifies products and devices for fire and explosion safety and prevention.

Uniqa and GREY series electric pumps and ZM mixers were subjected to rigorous testing and verification programs at FM Approvals laboratories, confirming their suitability for use in classified explosion hazard areas in the United States and Canada under the Classes/Divisions/Groups system.

Compliance of FM-marked products is subsequently ensured by periodic monitoring audits carried out by FM Approvals. These are necessary in order to ensure the adequacy of the production quality system.

We can provide highly customised solutions related to wastewater treatment and management to effectively meet the specific needs of your plant.

Find out how we can help you with our lifting and mixing solutions.

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