Zenit Italia

Zenit manufacturing plant Italy

Italian production unit

A modern production environment based on highly technological work plans has been crucial to Zenit's success.
Like the gears of a tried and tested machine, the Italian Production Unit comprises various departments that interface non-stop for the efficient performance of all procedures, from supplier selection to the planning of machining processes.
This plant's production know-how has deep roots in Zenit's history.
Parts are manufactured using the latest, high-precision NC machines, controlled by expert staff with skills maintained at the state of the art, for superlative quality standards and high productivity. The Mazak machining centre is a new-concept system for the fully automated performance of a wide range of operations.
Years of experience have combined with cutting-edge technologies to deliver high production volumes at constant quality.
There are two separate painting systems, one for domestic and one for professional products. Together, the facility's new industrial technologies and the skill of its staff ensure an outstanding product. Before painting, every product undergoes micro shot peening to provide a rough, clean surface, more receptive to the water-based bicomponent paint, always lavishly applied. Stoving at high temperature then bonds the paint securely to the metal to ensure effective protection over time.
For the most efficient workflow and use of resources, Zenit Italia has two different assembly lines. The assembly of small products is semi-automated, while industrial-size products are assembled at fixed workstations by specialised personnel.
Both assembly lines are equipped for product quality control: pressure tests, which check gaskets and mechanical seals for leaks, and electrical tests on the quality of the connections and winding.

Research & Development

The R&D department in Italy uses latest-generation finite element CAD systems for fluid dynamics, electromagnetic and structural calculation simulations.



The Quality division performs strict quality controls on the production chain and tests with sophisticated instrumentation.

The Zenit Group has ISO 9001 and ATEX quality certification for products for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Zenit Italia

via dell'Industria, 11
I-41018 San Cesario sul Panaro (MO)
p.iva IT03098700366
P.IVA IT03098700366
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