Sales Unit Zenit Group

Based on the selected country, your nearest Zenit sales office is: Zenit Italia
Zenit sales office Italy
Zenit Group

Zenit Italia

Italian sales, production and logistics unit
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Zenit sales office Europe
Zenit Group

Zenit Europe

Regional office for the Europe, Middle East and Africa areas.
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Zenit sales office China
Zenit Group

Zenit China

Production and sales units for the Chinese market.
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Zenit sales office Asia Pacific
Zenit Group

Zenit Asia-Pacific

Asia-Pacific and Oceania Regional Office, pre/after sales service.
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Zenit Group is the result of a successful combination of entrepreneurial strategies and insights


Our organisation

Zenit is a company with international presence. We manage our customers' needs directly thanks to our territorial access to the world.
The current structure of Zenit Group is the result of entrepreneurial strategies and insights that have enabled its internationalisation.
The Group is composed of different units, which manufacture and distribute wastewater treatment products across the globe, each of them with its own organisation but all operating in pursuit of a shared goal.

Stay connected with Zenit

Zenit News

zenit group agreement with tsurumi pumps home
Zenit Group officially becomes part of Tsurumi Manufacturing co., LTD.
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references zenit europe submersible pumps_Salonicco Thessaloniki
Thesalloniki Metro Line
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Case History

case history gruppo zenit 3d pumps main
Zenit Group cuts logistics and production costs on exhibition pumps thanks to additive printing technology.
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Zeno Academy

zenit video cover mixer ZMR 2024
ZMR high-efficiency mixing systems
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