Zenit Case History

Better Together
Zenit Group | 04 Oct 2021

Zenit Uniqa efficiency for healthy and sustainable wastewater services in Turkey

Unit: Zenit Europe | Country: Turkey (Muğla)
Application: Treatment Applications | Application detail: Wastewater treatment
Product family: Electric submersible pumps
   > Product: UNIQA Series | Model: ZUG OC


The Bodrum peninsula is one of the most popular tourist areas in Turkey. It is also an important natural habitat with unique land and marine ecosystems.
The coasts of the peninsula are nearly entirely lined with tourist facilities and this has caused many problems, including increased water pollution.
Given the need to provide healthy and sustainable wastewater services, a new Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant was built to discharge to the deep waters of the Aegean Sea without risks for the environment.


Pumping system efficiency was identified as the key factor for reducing energy costs given the size and relevance of the plant.
The General Directorate of the Muğla Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sewerage Administration (MUSKI) decided to favour a new, more modern pumping system over obsolete, inefficient technology. 
Following negotiations with MUSKI and feasibility studies conducted by plant managers, the solution identified by Zenit consisted in replacing of several pieces of mechanical equipment and, more in detail, included the supply of 47 Uniqa High-Efficiency submersible pumps with power spanning from 9 up to 90 kW fitted with anticlogging channels impeller.


Plant efficiency increased by 30% as a result of the combination of the chosen motors and hydraulics at the working point following the replacement.
The tests carried out so far have demonstrated that the efficiency increase could reach 50-60% in the long term and under standard conditions.
The efficiency and reliability of the UNIQA pump motors have made it possible to optimize energy consumption and importantly also to limit maintenance activities, meaning an even further reduction in management costs.

case history lifting Municipality Muski uniqa 03
The pumps before the installation
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Installation phases
case history lifting Municipality Muski uniqa 01
Installation phases
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