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Zenit Group | 04 Mar 2016

Cerved names Zenit a "Company to watch" 2015

Zenit Italy Cerved 2015
Cerved, Italian leader in market analysis and credit ratings, awarded Zenit, a group which designs and manufactures submersible electric pumps and wastewater treatment solutions, its prestigious “Company to watch” title for 2015.

We are proud of the award to the Zenit group, a designer and manufacturer of submersible electric pumps and wastewater treatment solutions, of the “Company to watch” award assigned by Cerved, Italian leader in market surveys and credit ratings, which assigns this award each year to just 30 companies which have stood out from their competitors and on their markets for economic and financial performance, style of business and innovation. Apart from achieving results above the industry average, the brand has also consolidated a position of leadership in its sector.

On the basis of quantitative analyses and qualitative assessments, the experts of the Databank sector (the Cerved division that supplies marketing services and solutions) named the factors behind Zenit's success as the development of innovative products and research to provide unique technical features, a constant focus on customer service, an effective international sales organisation, and its positioning in a market segment (drainage) with good medium-term growth prospects worldwide.

The Zenit group was also singled out for its impressive penetration of the Far East markets with its range of high-efficiency industrial products, which have won success on very competitive markets, and its strong expansion in China, where there has been exponential growth on the domestic market from 2007 to the present day, as well as the capability for supplying parts and products at lower cost while safeguarding quality.

The award was presented at the company's head office at S.Cesario sul Panaro, Modena, to CEO Lorenzo Bottan (on the right), who declared: "We are really proud that the Zenit group has been named "Company to Watch" 2015. It is a well-earned reward for our whole staff, who work so hard to improve our offering of solutions for customers, both in Italy and abroad."

For further information, please visit https://www.cerved.com/it/company-to-watch
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