Zeno Academy

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Zenit Group | 05 May 2022

blueBOX - Installation procedure

Installation procedure of blueBOX, lifting stations for collecting and lifting clear, rain and wastewater from washing machines, sinks and WCs in systems installed at a lower level than the sewer, in locations such as garages or basements.

  1. Close the emergency drain gate valve
  2. Measure the height of the WC drain pipe
  3. Mark the height of the drain pipe on the tank
  4. Drill a hole in the tank
  5. Clean shavings and residues from the tank
  6. Put the pumpBOX in position temporarily
  7. Mark the position of the fixing screws
  8. Separate the pumpBOX from the drain pipe
  9. Drill holes in the floor in the marked points
  10. Fit and lubricate the gasket
  11. Connect the pumpBOX to the drain pipe
  12. ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION drain outlet from top
    • Drill a hole in the tank
    • Fit and lubricate the gasket
    • Connect the drain pipe
  13. Fix the pumpBOX to the floor
  14. Connect the discharge pipe to the system. A suitable sealant must be used
  15. Fit the vent pipe
  16. ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION activated carbon filter
    • Fit the activated carbon filter provided
  17. Fix the electrical panel to the wall
  18. Connect the pump, alarm and level gauge electrical wiring to the panel
  19. ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION multiple contact float switch
    • Fix the float switch start/stop system to the tank
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