Flushing valve

Sediments often form in lifting stations which collect the wastewater from drain systems. Over time, the solids are compacted and reduce the available volume to the tank, often leading to the pump fouling.
A specific procedure involving lengthy, expensive system shutdown, is therefore necessary to remove them.

The flushing valve FLX is a hydraulic accessory that automatically generates an adjustable-direction jet of water inside the pit whenever the pump is restarted thus preventing sediment from collecting on the bottom of the tank.


Zenit FLX flushing valve



Flushing valve FLX constructed in cast iron, to be installed directly on the pump casing by means of a threaded coupling. This type of valve operates on the "Venturi" principle and does not require an electricity supply.

A regulator allows the valve closure time to be set between 10 and 400 seconds, depending on pit size, pump power or the amount of sediment to be shifted.

Technical characteristics

  • Cast iron body
  • Hard-wearing, low-noise rubber balls
  • Connection to system by means of a diamond-shaped flange compatible with competitor models, or with a 1½“ GAS threaded connection
  • Closure time setting from 10 to 400 seconds
  • Adjustable-direction jet

How it works

The formation of a solid deposit in the tank (left) has made it necessary to install a FLX flushing valve to generate turbulence inside the tank and help to keep the solids in suspension (right).


Operating mode

The heart of the Zenit FLX flushing valve is an innovative patented system comprising two rubber balls joined together by a flexible diaphragm.
When the pump starts up, the valve is open and the liquid in the pit is drawn into the pump and circulated through the pit, to place all the solid sediments in suspension (phase 1).
After a time set by the user by means of a regulator, the vacuum created in the valve body recalls a rubber diaphragm, which pushes the two balls downward to shut off the flow (phase 2) and allow the water to be conveyed to the discharge before the solids are deposited on the bottom again.
When the pump stops, the vacuum inside the valve raises the diaphragm (phase 3) and the balls (phase 4), which open the valve ready for the next cycle.


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