Zenit Gruppe | 09 Mai 2023
Diffusers for a cheese-maker
Einheit: Zenit Italia |
Land: Italy
Anwendung: Anwendungen für die Klärung |
Einsatzart: Abwasseraufbereitung
Produktfamilie: Belüftungssysteme
Produkt: Oxyplate |
Modell: Oxyplate 12"
In the food industry, the processing of milk to yield butter and cheese generates considerable quantities of effluents.
Due to their high organic content, it is not possible for them to be discharged directly and they require special treatment in purification plants.
For a dairy company based in the Piacenza area, which produces Grana Padano cheese, we took care of the oxygenation processes by installing OXYPLATE 12" EPDM LP fine bubble disc diffusers in the collection tanks.
Thanks to the highly oxygen-transferring elastomer membranes of OXYPLATE 12", the organic substances contained in the effluent are oxidized, considerably decreasing their concentration.