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Event News
Grupo Zenit | 28 ago. 2023

Zenit Group is to attend Servizi a Rete Tour '23

il gruppo zenit a servizi a rete tour 2023 EN
Servizi a Rete TOUR is a travelling conference that takes place at Italian Utilities (every year, the conference is hosted by a different provider in a specific Italian city) and is organised as a meeting hub where network providers have the opportunity to get together and pool their experience in the “free zone” they belong to.

A spin-off of the 2009 “Servizi a Rete Live Show” which promoted direct contact with technologies in operation (hence the name “live”), the event has gradually shifted towards the conference format, promoting sharing and debating among utilities and bodies responsible for monitoring and directing the rules for subsoil management.

The main focus of the event revolves around issues related to water and the territory, bringing together tech manufacturing companies with managers, providers, technicians and institutions keen to meet new partners and to stay up-to-date with the main sector-specific trends.

This year’s entire programme can be summed up as follows: "The commitment on the part of the Integrated Water Service at the time of climate change: tools, projects and technical solutions."

The programme will specifically focus on:
  • Digitalisation of the water network and reduction of leaks
  • Infrastructure resilience interventions and technologies
  • The sustainable paradigm: completion of sewage and purification schemes with the launch of green factories

This year, we will have the pleasure of participating in Servizi a Rete Tour with a desk dedicated to our line-up for the public industry sector and, thanks to the presence of our sales and pre-/after-sales team, we will provide direct insight into the solutions for wastewater handling and purification.


Registration is free of charge and includes training credits for participants 
We invite you to register and join us at this important national event.

Please continue to follow us for all the details about our participation in the Servizi a Rete Tour 2023.

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