泽尼特集团 | 14 3月 2024
Oxidation process with Jetoxy
顾客: Municipal integrated water service
单位: 泽尼特意大利 |
国家: Italy
应用: 水处理领域 |
应用细节: 污水处理
产品系列: 潜水电泵
产品 : Grey 系列 |
产品型号: DRG
产品系列: 曝气系统
产品 : Jetoxy |
产品型号: Jetoxy 80÷300
For the integrated water service operator of the province of Padua, we supplied our Jetoxys coupled with Grey DRG pumps, installing them without first emptying the tank. The Jetoxys, thanks to the creation of air bubbles, promote the exchange of oxygen, which is essential to initiate oxidation and reduce the organic substances present.