Industrial applications

The key challenge in industrial waste treatment is to prevent costly disruption to the plant operations. Reliable and efficient pumping systems are essential to prevent plant outage.

Highly-performing treatment systems ensure minimum disruption and timely waste removal to prevent sedimentation.
Treatment of industrial wastewater is highly dependent of the type of industry in which the solution is sought.

Industrial discharges range from corrosive and abrasive chemicals, fibrous and bulky materials, to highly-reactive brine waters and even explosive liquids, with high heads and temperatures.
The product must be selected with care to ensure perfect dovetailing with the system's characteristics and must be impeccably installed to guarantee the best duty conditions and long component lifetime.

We therefore supply advice on the choice of equipment size and assistance in installation and maintenance, with parts and accessories always available, to ensure that the plant provides uninterrupted service to the required standards.


Industrial Product Overview

Industrial Product Overview

Mixer ZM

Mixer ZM

Grey Series

Grey Series



GRG shredding pumps

GRG shredding pumps

Hard Cast Iron

Hard Cast Iron

Other fields of application